Saturday, April 11, 2009


Allllrighty.... So its been a couple months since I've written to myself aha ... but anyways.. alright I'll summarize up the last few weeks right up to this instant..Great, yet busy, and at times a frustrating time in SD (for a number of reasons). Started a lil jam band, played a couple times then got a 1000 dollar noise violation... aside from that, i've had like about sixtyfour tests to take before easter break so that wasn't fun. The free time I've had when I'm not doin school/internship/hw I've just been chillin with the core homies, playin music, creepin to the sneak joint (jk i've only been there once)...mainly just playin music.. and tryin to go to shows. The music scene in SD isn't thaaaat great but every now and then a good band comes along...I'd love to go to Cochella but its a lil pricey at the moment when I owe the city 1000 dollas (hoping to appeal it). anyways... I've also been tryin to find work/internships for the summer either in Portland or SD... i have an interview tuesday for a SD internship so we'll see how that goes, but I'd love to have an Oregon summer for once. However...summer in SD would be cool cuz a lot of cool people are gonna be there as welll soo I'm kinda in a pickle.
So I decided to come home n relax in PDX for the easer week. Its been kinda slow w/ nobody around but I've also had some qual fam time. Twas gonna go up to the mountain today but the condishes weren't that great so we went on a fat hike instead n that was interesting. Tonight I met up w/ a good ol friend of mine named Kelly (best friend's gf). After crusin downtown we stopped in the pearl at the Rogue Brewery n I found my new favorite beer... Rogues' Shakespeare Stout ... mmmmm. delicious. .. perfect chocolaty creamy full taste mmm mmm mmm
Tomorrow I'm bout to celebrate a lil easter action and see my favorite band play downtown (Fleet Foxes) so that should be exciting..just hoping my craigs list ticket will work. ha
anyways... hope I can figure out my life, or at least the next few months, when I get back to SD.. as for now.. listen to with a candle burning on a cool dark night yeeeh... also when ur in a philosophical mood. p e a c e