Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hmm What's Been on my Mind?

The past two weekends, and possibly the next two, I haven't really 'done' much. Ever since my Brissy trip I've just been chillin' here, bored a lot of the time, tryin' to finish assignments and prepare myself for finals...Maybe I said this before, but I can't wait to get outa TSV and explore more areas of this continent. It's drivin me crazy. The heats driving me crazy. The humidity, the lack of money to venture out (the necessity to save for upcoming trips), the stress from school, the nothing much to do anymore besides the ush. Its all drivin me nuts. However, its nice being away with really, no pressure to do or be anything that I'm not. People here rock. Speaking of rock, I've downloaded heaps of new music, so, if you're interested, I'd love to "share the wealth" of the spritualy delighting and good feeling music with anyone and everyone (whenever you may run into me). I've also played the old guit a lot w/ my friend Steph and her gf Jackie.. singin' random songs to make a good time out of passing time. Another thing that keeps me up is 'the knowing/realization' of what I'm bout to do in the near future..things like surfing the net for the best places to skydive in NZ..the NZ/AUS exchange rate is amazing by the way. We bascially get 33% off EVERYTHING in OZ and 40% off everything in NZ! I'm down with that.
Hmmm...what else... I've learned many German words thanks to my German roomie Jan (pronounced Yawn). He's really cool....I've also figured out that no matter how much I sometimes miss Oregon, its trees, air, water, friends, snow, sea, music,,,,,,I want and I am going to travel for as long as possible. It would be amazing if any OG friends would come. I refuse, after graduating, to settle down and work in one place 5 days a week, unless that place is someplace new, and what I do interests me. However, as of now I have no clue what interests me most so sheeeit!. Anyways, we'll see what comes my way. And, if you see me ever conforming to a corporate slowdown of settling down, at least while I'm in my 20's, PLEASE slap me and remind me of what I said before.
Hmmmmmm. People are cool. It's always awesome to meet good people. I LOVE good people. They make my day. I also love interesting and open-minded people, and real people...I'll be honest..kinda scared to go back to USD in the spring... I'll miss the good people I've met here too much. You know who's a really good person? Let me tell yah.. Barack Obama.
Yep, lets talk politics now.. a lil. The presidential race has constantly been on my mind. Earlier today I read an artical about one of Obama's campaing rallys. It explained how there was an ocean of people waiting for our candidate to speak. There was people playing music. There were hands waving back and fourth. There were people on eachother's shoulders so they could get a glimpse of him. They weren't heckeling. They were smiling. Hopeful and excited. About 100,000 people all coming together, it explained, black, brown, and white, together, with the vision of hope that reaches beyond onself. I really almost shed a tear when reading this.. anyways, heres a youtube link you should check out. It's hilarious...
anyways... if you've made it this far, thanks for readin'. Hopefully my next blog will be more exciting... goin back to Noosa soon and I CAN'T WAIT!!!! and hopefully good stories will come out of that. For the mean time, keep on keepin on, take care, and promote awesomeness!

1 comment:

Chris Parr said...

Been reading your blogs buddy! Keep it up I enjoy reading about your adventures!

Peace for now,